Monday, October 13, 2008

Fun Weekend...I hate Mondays....

Ok it has been a while since i posted i need more time in
It has been a rough week but an awesome weekend.....
Last week My dad had his up and downs....I guess that will happen....I saw my grandmother see seems to be doing well, but you know old women...i love her though.
Right now I feel like I am being put thru tests in life....I have been thru enough...can I get a get out of test, oh well life will get better.
I have been trying to do alot of fall cleaning in my house but since we are cleaning out my moms house but I can never seem to get ahead in i want to decorate for Halloween more than what I did. I will decorate for Thanksgiving and Christmas. only 2 1/2 months till xmas....I know please dont throw anything at me..Im not ready.
Ok so saturday we had our chiari picnic me and my girls had sooooo much fun. It was a nice night out with my girls. We played games, adults drank, went to a parade, then roasted marshmallows but a fire and did not get home til midnight...Im still trying to catch up on sleep. One of these years I wil catch up..ha ha im a mom Ill sleep when Im dead....he he
So sunday we went to my inlaws on sunday and I was draging...but i had a nice visit with them, and today I am seeing an endless pile of laundry......calgon take me away....

well I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend and has a great week


Missie said...

Looks like you figured out how to jazz up your blog own your own! Saturday was so much fun!